
Cathie has been keeping a close eye on the weather forecast and seemingly the rain is meant to be coming in tomorrow. We said as a bit of a laugh 'maybe we should pack up a day early and stay in a b&b for the last night!' Then we considered it a bit more carefully! That would make a lot of sense instead of packing up a wet tent and then trying to find somewhere to dry it.
today we relaxed in the morning and took our time to gradually pack up the tent. Mid afternoon we took a walk into Graffham (our closest village) and around Graffham Commons. We were hoping to find somewhere for a drink but the place seemed to be too small! We did discover that race horses are big business in this area as we walked through several fields of them and watched some hired hands exercising them. Finally we found a small local pub open for business with several friendly locals sitting outside catching up on the latest news after work and before going home.
We had a refreshing drink before heading on our way.
Finished packing and drove out to find our B&B which was a very beautiful old house trying to be grand but not quite managing it!!! We loved it! And just as we pulled up outside misty rain hung in the air! We had done the right thing!!  :)

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