Got you!

There is a robin that is always hanging around the chicken plot and I have tried to photograph it on numerous occasions and failed. But not today! I am trying to entice it to feed from my hand - that might take quite a bit longer than even this photo has!
Splendid morning on the allotment - the sun shone and I weeded a bed and covered more of my other plot in cardboard! Those boxed meal supplies  I get are sure useful for the cardboard and long rectangular sheeps wool packs! I couldn't believe it was 1.00 when i decided to head home - 4 hours fly by when you are having fun! I had time to let Tilly and Polly out and then suddenly it was chicken bedtime and back to the allotment! I did see a beautiful sunset though so am not complaining! 
I dropped in On Friend to retrieve the cream I had left in her fridge the previous night and discovered she now has a chest infection, she had seemed to be losing her voice over the last 2 weeks and begun to cough  the last 2 days, so is on antibiotics - I don't know if this is a cold or another symptom. 

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