Flittin Sheep

It's been a better day than I was expecting.  I'm sure the weatherman said it was to be rain most of the day, but it's been fairly bright and sunny spells, the odd shower and fairly breezy!  

I've been working in the museum office all day.  Most scanning old photos from World War One, and a hospital ship H.M.H.S. Berbice.  Also been working through photo updates too.  It's been a fairly quiet evening, some walkies with Sammy, and then off to work in the pub.  

I had to nip out at lunchtime to get a photo.  On my way, I could see a traffic jam ahead.  Traffic jams in Shetland generally pass quickly, even this one :)  Some crofters busy flittin the sheep, not sure where from, but looks closer to home.  I like the dog on the back of the quad :)  Taken at the north junction to South Nesting. 

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