From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Threatened by shadows at night.....

No prizes for working out where that line came from but all will be revealed by the accompanying track anyway.

It was a lovely trip to the Dog and Doublet this steamy Sunday. It was packed outside by the canal so it was a case of sitting inside in the relative cool until a bit later and after a while, a grateful escape outside!

I nearly took a photo earlier as an elderly chap was stood at the bar holding his dog like it was a baby. The man and dog were very sweet but I resisted the temptation to whip my camera out. Dogs tend to get a bit excited when they see me as they think I am a strange kind of bone. I'm a bit scared of dogs, although I'm not really sure why. I possibly inherited the fear from mom who will run up the road screaming if one comes anywhere near. It doesn't help, as then they think you are playing and will be very insistent and try to convince you how nice they are. Hmmmmmmmmm. From a distance please!

I'm glad I waited rather than risk becoming a doggie chew. I took about 40 pictures of the setting sun and ended up with the first one because I liked the clouds with it. Typical! Good practice anyway I suppose.

The track - Pink Floyd - Shine on, you crazy diamond

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