There and back again

By Mikes

I couldn't believe it!

To day dawned lovely and sunny and as we left our car to do our morning climb up Hookney Tor we noticed a large herd of ponies making there way down a nearby hill obviously on a mission and on route to a some location of their own volition

After watching them for a while, commenting on the large numbers of ponies, all together we continued our walk to the top of the Tor and sat in the stillness for a while before continuing our wonder. As we turned we were confronted by this herd of some 30 ponies and their young heading purposely in our direction. We placed ourselves on a small mound and watched them file past us in silence until they had all gathered around the summit of Hookney Tor.

Their attention was on the summit of Hameldown Tor about 1 Km away to the south east and as we watched we could see another large group of ponies gathering on this Tor.

What was this all about? Why and how and under whose control had these two groups of ponies made this joint decision to do this and for what reason?

Val and I were dumbstruck as to what we had just witnessed. We had to leave them but as we walked away and looked back the heard had seemed to have moved on as we were unable to see them.

My blip shows them looking over towards Hameldown Tor. I have never seen or heard of this before.

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