Free - Range

Well you didn't expect me not to blip on today of all days did you?! 
So monday saw me inert on my kitchen settee all day - dejected and downright miserable. Tuesday saw me tackling the attic and unpacking and repacking Xmas school resources - now have boxes for St Lukes Charity shop and boxes for my sisters ex school, plus battery operated xmas toys all over the kitchen and scaring FatCat, waiting to be tested to see if they go to the tip/given as presents to lucky (?) friends / given to my sisters school! I also had a strained back from contorting myself to get the boxes out from behind my hanging clothes rails - and a lump on my head where a painting fell on me! 
So on to today - off to the allotment and the girls to carefully clean the coop given my painful back. Wonderfully mild and should have gone there days earlier to boost my happiness level!
Arrived home and phoned my sister whose phone calls I had ignored the last two days being as I was in unsociable mode! She informed me about Defra's announcement to keep birds indoors for 30 days due to avian flu in Europe! This news set a train of events in motion that caused me great concern but were all resolved happily! I will strive to be concise!
* Research online to see what it was all about.
*Check how much buying a run for the Eglu coop would cost.
* Check bank  account to see if I paid by bank account or mastercard.
* Major meltdown as I had gone overdrawn - where had my money gone?!
* Checked past statements and discovered no money paid in over last 2 months!
* Phone financial advisor - got it cleared up - given number of Investment service to have buffer money transferred - phoned- unavailable number - texted  Financial advisor, given new number, phoned and sorted!
* Phone Omlet  to check I was getting the right run for the coop - went to pay - card expired! Ended call to phone the bank re new card!
* Checked my mass of "paperwork to do" bag and found new card! Registered card, phoned Omlet  back - run ordered!
* Did Egg Bill for coop - or more accurately Chicken Expenses Bill as 1 egg every other day is not worth charging members 20 p for! Bill only covered Aug to now - so behind!
* Messaged coop members to give them chicken bill and  tell them what I had done and why and given possible dates run would be delivered  and dates for erecting - yeh,  not holding my breath for help with that! 
* Emailed allotment chairman to say girls would soon not be free-ranging! 
* Collapsed in a heap!

I've had Tilly and Polly in the conservatory all day with a clothes airer acting as door guard to stop them rampaging through my kitchen - Polly simply jumped on top of it and perched there! I also  still have toys in the kitchen, Xmas tree in front room awaiting being positioned in holder which means sawing off lower branches with saw I retrieved from allotment shed,  recycling  to be taken to tip, presents to be wrapped and posted, cards to make, house to clean, bulbs to be planted, fish filter to be cleaned, front door curtain to be excavated hopefully from school resources room as not been unearthed yesterday ( hence painting falling on my head because I looked under and behind everything in every other room and dislodged it in my looking! )  So thank you chickens  for giving me the kick up the arse I needed to spend  no further  time dejected and miserable on the kitchen settee! 
Plus thanks to Defra for making me implement my plan to get a run so that if members leave ( or are badgered by me so much they decide to leave!) I can run the coop by myself without having to go up morning and night to open and close! All good - apart from my bank balance!  Fingers crossed Avian Flu doesn't cross the channel or I may have a coop and run but no chickens.

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