
By LadyPride

The Happiest Mum In Chorlton

Knew I'd spoken too soon yesterday. Yet another upset stomach for Audrey has meant a few screaming fits after and during feeds since yesterday evening but I don't mind too much as it has been interspersed with a fair few smiling and laughing fits too. This, I can handle!

Pretty mundane day at Home Pride. Got Audrey weighed (10lb 11) at the health visitors this morning and was told am up for The Happiest Mum in Chorlton Award (who'd have thought anyone could say this about me a few weeks back). "You're really enjoying her aren't you?" she said. "It is lovely to see". Before turning to her colleague and saying, "This lady is up for the Happiest Mum in Chorlton Award." I grinned all the way out the room!

Then as I had weighed myself this morning and I'd lost another pound (so that's a grand total of two so far, Dieter of the Month, I am not!), I celebrated with cheese on toast at the local Caf. Maybe that's where I'm going wrong? Diet fail.

Met up with Fran and Laura at The Parlour for a coffee this afternoon. What I like about meeting these two is that although we have quite a bit of baby-talk (naturally), its not all babies, babies, babies. I feel like I can be me, not just a Mum. Really enjoyable! And they both live just around the corner so its very handy for spontaneous meet ups.

Managed a few work calls when I got home. Have a proper day in the office booked tomorrow.

Have forced my husband to have a night out tonight so am flying solo on the bath and 'put down'. Boy did he need a night out. He's been a bit of a grump lately (sorry darling) and think a few beers in Manchester will do him the world of good.

Today's blip pic is of Audrey in her pram having a giggling fit while I ate my lunch. She really is ridiculously cute when she's happy. I am hopelessly in love. Besotted, even.

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