
By LadyPride

Office, schmoffice

Spent the day in the office at home today which was quite depressing, truth be told. But needs must, mortgage doesn't pay itself etc. etc.

Had lots of admin and niggly jobs to do that seemed to take forever. The in-laws babysat and couldn't help but feel a pang of jealously as I heard them leaving with Audrey in the pram for a walk.

Went for a run at lunchtime and broke my record. A run that started as a 30 minute run with 3 stops a few weeks back was a 24 minute run with no stops today. My fitness is definitely improving. Time to step it up and change routes and make it a 40 minute run I think!

My run was a small ray of sunshine in an otherwise dreary day. Am back with my little lady tomorrow (my Auntie Jane and cousin Eleanor are popping over but otherwise we are free to do as we please; our favourite kind of day).

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