Going Out Out

Been out tonight at a fashion show (England/Man City footballers Joleon Lescott and Joe Hart there on the catwalk!)

I didn't really enjoy it. I wasn't in the mood. It was full of lots of people who were just looking at each-other.

Went to a bar afterwards full of married guys who chatted me and my sister up. I didn't really like that either. Although it was nice to see Jo.

Conclusion: I don't really like going out much anymore, I'd much rather stay in. I know that makes me boring but I don't care.

From now on I will only go out if it's worth it i.e. with good friends or family.

Audrey's third settling in day at nursery and Angus took her. They had to come and get him as she had tummy-ache and was crying. She hardly ate anything either.

I'm taking her and she will sleep/nap there tomorrow if all goes to plan. Not sure how this will go!!! Eek!!!

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