Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


Anne came back from America and was warmly welcomed by Archie - she noticed the 15° difference in temperatures between Chattanooga and Edinburgh!

What a great day I've had. First of all, I avoided a big spring clean up by being out of the house all afternoon, and second of all - my physiotherapist was VERY pleased with the progress of my left knee! It's going to overtake the earlier one, I think. And that's because of her advice - not NHS advice. I am SO glad I went to her, hopefully in time to rescue the right knee. Her advice was to push it ALL the time, not just 'three times a day and be patient'. And to hold it for at least a minute, not just count to five.

But boy! It was tough today. She concentrated on my hamstrings - too tight, meaning I can't straighten my legs properly. I was moaning and squawking and gasping, while she chuckled, saying I could yell if I wanted to, while she pressed harder. I asked her if she enjoyed her job. She loves it.

Because I'd mentioned last time that I hadn't been able to take my dog out for a walk for a long time, she'd decided that she wants to come and take Archie out on her days off - she's practically a neighbour.

Don't bother reading further, it's all guff, but I've had such a wonderful day of interactions with random people, that I want to record it.

* Bus pass expired, but bus driver to town let me on.
* Nice coffee before physio - complimented them.
* Nice coffee and music (Nina Simone) after physio - complimented them on both.
* I happened to pass Stockbridge Library, where new bus passes can be organised. A VERY nice man rang them up for me, and was told it had been sent (to the old address?) but a replacement one is now on its way. While I waited, this man was so charming in his dealings with the locals - an old man getting new hearing aid batteries, and a young girl borrowing a book (he complimented her on her reading over the holidays), a man wanting printing done. Such a nice atmosphere. I used the last of my change to buy five special council food rubbish bags.
* Spoke to a woman (possibly in her early 50s) at the bus stop. She didn't have enough money for two buses, and she has two sore knees and couldn't walk up the hill to the city. Had quite a chat to her - she's been made redundant, quite a while ago now, but is finding that she's almost unemployable. She just cannot get a job. I felt so sorry for her. On the scrapheap, she felt. I've led a sheltered and privileged life.
* On the next bus the driver gave me a temporary pass. When I sat down, the lady behind me said that she was ready to lend me the fare if he'd made a fuss. Mind you, my new friend at the bus stop was going to have words with him too if he hadn't let me on.
* A blind lady got off the bus with me, and I escorted her down to the taxi rank and told her it was a wonderful blue skied day. Not sure if that was the right thing to do.

My legs felt so strong after physio, that I got off in town and had a walk in the Gardens. I never get tired of seeing the skyline and the castle. And I wanted to try out the zoom lens again. I was VERY careful not to drop it!

Back home to a spring cleaned house and garden. The bird station has been put up again. Spotify 'Coffee House' playlist on, fire roaring and the wee whizzing doo-dacky warming the room. Archie and Anne are home, Anne stayed for tea and a wine and a catch up.

What a grand day.

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