Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


I have had an email from the gym - did I want to re-start my gym membership, frozen six months ago? Should I pay to go and sit on the bike for a few minutes? Yes, it probably would do me some good. Thinking about it...

I popped down to my physio today, after two weeks' break. But my amazing progress from last time seems to have halted. In fact, it has regressed - I could only bend my knee less than last time. I knew I couldn't expect great progress - it feels like I've hit a wall, and can't improve any more, but I hadn't expected to get worse. Tracey gave me a vigorous massage, ignoring my squawking, and even trying to slap her hand away, chatting cheerfully all the while. Actually, she gave me ten minutes extra workout. Which felt like longer... much longer.

When I neared home, I passed our communal rubbish bin, and spied the discarded pallet that has been there for days. Being an erstwhile pallet pincher, I've resisted it. So far. Today I could not resist. I hoisted it on to my shoulder, and staggered home. It wasn't far. It's quite thin wood, so I can jump on it and split it into kindling quite easily. Hopefully.

I arrived at the front door to find it ajar. I went in. No dog welcoming me. Perhaps he was being showered... I called out. No answer. Nobody at home. It was like the Marie Celeste. It appeared that JR and Archie had gone out and left the door open... Oops.

When JR and Archie did eventually return home, we set about assembling a few nibbles for this evening's G&T with Christine and Rufus. And a most pleasant evening we had. Isle of Harris Gin, nibbles including shrimps and mango; grapes and gruyere; feta, watermelon and mint; also crostini - crab and capers; cream cheese cucumber and mint. And JR invented special Burns' Night haggis (vegetarian) pastry twirls.

Spy in the Wild on tonight!

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