Brief Encounter

Today's the day .......................... to watch a film

I think I've said before that one of the things for which Carnforth Station is famous - is that it was the location for many of the scenes in the 1945 film, Brief Encounter.  And at the Heritage Centre there, a small area has been made using seats from the old Roxy Cinema in Carnforth - where the film is shown on a continuous loop. 

As you can imagine, even although it's in the background, volunteers at the Centre soon become very familiar with the plot and characters of the film.  Visitors are intrigued to watch it for a while - and of course, because the station is much as it was, it's good to be able to recognise the underpass, the waiting room, the clock and the other iconic features of the film.

It's not very often though that you get anyone settling down and watching the entire film which lasts for 86 mins - but that's what happened today.  Two ladies sat in front and watched it from start to finish - and all free of charge.  They enjoyed it too - because they told us so. 

A not-so brief encounter  with one of the golden oldies of the film world .......................    

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