Colourful Shadows

We have a great gallery here called Lune Rouge, it's owned by Cirque du Soleil's Guy's currently hosting an exhibition called Spherical Spaces by a Danish artist called Olafur was brilliant. We went in and there was this huuuge sculpture of glass, light and metal...throwing incredible shadows around the room...apparently he was inspired by shoals of're meant to move around the piece, and as you move you see more & was utterly incredible...the longer we were there the more we fell for this piece - all made completely by hand! The curator told us that they had to remove the entrance to the gallery as it was delivered complete! I've added in an extra of Danny & Asha, so you can see the scale & the shadows... And we were fortunate that noone else was there, so we were able to move around freely, take pics, talk to the guys curating (& have a complimentary coffee!) etc...
So a very successful morning, Danny took Asha to play football pre the gallery, so I had time to come round slowly. I'm definitely feeling on the mend, but it's taking time to shake this thing, so slow mornings are appreciated!
This afternoon I read The Twits to Asha - I'd forgotten how gruesome (but entertaining!!) it is!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Being able to see this exhibition - it felt like we were enriched by it somehow, if you know what I mean! And I loved how engaged Asha was with it.
2) Getting a few more bits together in readiness for the birth.
3) Times cuddled up with Asha.

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