Square peg

Maybe ten years ago, a client of mine invited me to an awards ceremony in London. They'd put themselves forward for a tourism award - best website or something - so I went along. It was pretty disgraceful, actually; the bigger the ad you took out in the big, glossy awards magazine, the better your award. The owner of the company I was with was delighted, though; next year he'd pay for a bigger advert and come first!

Since then, I've been dubious about both awards ceremonies and the images people put on their websites and emails for awards they've won. And we get approached to participate, sometimes in rather inappropriate categories: "Fenner! Your company has been shortlisted as one of the best development companies in the north-west" an email from a company touting construction awards will tell me. Idiots.

Last year, a business friend of mine, Andrew, invited me to the E3 awards at the stadium in Bolton. I could see from the minute I waked in the door that it was in a different league to other business events I've attended. Not only had it clearly not been done on the cheap but, crucially, the food was amazing: naan breads, dips, rice, tureens of excellent curry. I had a great evening.

Talking to Andrew about it later, it transpired that E3 is totally above board. Sponsors, for example, can't win awards. I was rather looking forward to enjoying some more curry and a few bottles of wine with Andrew again, this year (assuming he invited me, of course). 

Matters have taken a turn for the sober, however, as I have been invited to be a judge this year, which meant attending a training day, this morning. It was a little odd to be in a room with a couple of dozen other MDs and business owners, not least because I don't feel I have that larger than life 'pizzazz'* that they seem to have in common. 

Not that I didn't like them; the ones I spoke to were all really nice. Maybe I just don't have that skill of 'turning it on'. Actually, I don't even know if that means anything :-/

*"an attractive combination of vitality and glamour"


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