Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Another milestone

After my hectic day yesterday (spent mostly on the sofa, watching rugby) I really should have been up at the crack of dawn and off over the hills. But I wasn't. Breakfast in bed - which to be fair hasn't happened for a long time - then the hours slipped by while I watched the Sunday Politics on my iPad and read the news on my phone.

However, I did rise in the morning (just) and we decided to take Archie up the hill, though it was pretty windy (Extra 1 - note his sore ear).

And what a sight we saw as we arrived - although it would have been even more of a sight had we arrived ten minutes earlier. Hundreds of daschounds! It must have been a sausage dog convention! It would have been quite surreal to have seen that swarm coming across the brow of the hill!

It was sunny and cloudy and we even had some hail for a couple of minutes! (Extra 2)

And I did something I haven't done in a very long time... I drove the car!

I haven't been able to even get in on the driver's side, let alone work the pedals, for many months. But I have to admit, I have grown rather accustomed to being chauffeured around, and I definitely do NOT like the 20mph city wide limit (which nobody observes) so I might revert to passenger status again.

We're just browsing dog friendly accommodation with a view to a wee jaunt soon. But with the spectre of my jury duty summons looming large I fear we will have to refrain from booking anything just yet...

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