
After a brief visit to to the Leith Market D and I went our separate ways, him to Dunfermline for the fitba' and me up to town to meet up with DG (and briefly, Shandonner) in order for us to deliver a rivetting afternoon's worth of maths (sequences and series including Taylor). I took my antique copy of five-figure log tables to show the students, and we wondered who had had to drudge through the numerical calculations to produce the entries. Students, working parties of numerate nuns,  naval lieutenants on half-pay.....? The tedium must have been extreme.
Got back to Leith having covertly kept up with live scores from EEP - a respectable 1-1 draw. A slightly tipsy D eventually made it home, bringing me a very welcome fish supper.

Best view I've had out of a teaching room at ETC thus far.

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