From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Oh no! My skull has fallen apart!

Do you remember the old Kinder eggs? Years ago you used to get a proper little model or toy you had to put together yourself. They were like little Airfix kits and the chocolate was quite nice too. I had all sorts of things! There were little aeroplanes, ocean liners and my favourite one was a helicopter. I was amazed how big and impressive it was with rotors that went round and I stuck it on my desk fan at work where it would whirl around quite happily all day. When I got over 25, I stopped buying Kinder eggs - God I'm so ashamed! - as the toys weren't much good anymore. I suppose dratted Health and Safety along with the American habit of taking people to court for the slightest thing started. I think some poor child had choked on a Pink Panther foot from one of these models and then the things in Kinder eggs came in one solid piece and weren't fun anymore.

The skull in my picture came not from a Kinder egg but was very similar as it came with a little book about the head and you had to put it together yourself. From Waterstones, I think. I caught it with my jacket yesterday and it flew off the bookshelf and fell in pieces on the carpet. This is not the first time it's happened. I cleared the pieces up but put them back down as a split skull is an unusual blip I suppose. I have lost a jawbone somewhere! I am a bit annoyed about that.

The accompanying track has the line 'And the worms ate into his brain' towards the end. It's one of my favourite Pink Floyd tracks.

Hey You

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