
By Appreciation

And Breathe.......

Suddenly there was head space today and so many other jobs came flooding back to me. I was selfish and did only those that I wanted to. Ha! But what to shoot today - no muse - and the boy tells me he is not about to become my pin up.

I have wanted to go out and walk (or perhaps it was more run away) a lot lately but there hasn't been the time. So I did, I walked and walked until I got a sweat up. It was only then that I was able to enjoy the beauty of the reservoir. I stopped and sat by the water for a bit. The moving water had such an appeal, as it gently lapped the shore. My mind settled and I felt completely calm.

I decided that room tidying could wait so I went from here to the allotment. I lifted the remaining onions and plaited the ones which have been drying out. Not quite the same as plaiting my girl's hair, but she would never let me do that anyway.

My girl had a good night. Her bed is comfy, her flatmates fun so far, and she was off to explore today. Her father last night text to ask how things were. Ah that's kind thought I as I enquired how he was feeling - it must be hard to be away when all is changing at home I thought. Fine he replied, I'm in the pub with an old friend I haven't seen in years. And whilst that was good, there was a little bit of me that felt it was slightly unfair! See I'm not so nice afterall.

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