
....t'was a grand day!

And so the birthday week continues.....

I headed off to the Big Smoke this morning and met LadyG. I'd booked the Tower Bridge Experience and it was great fun. There is a glass walkway between the towers and I made myself walk the whole length. I'm not brilliant with heights and I was a bit of a wobbly mess but...I did it. In fact I started a little trend by lying on the glass floor for a photo...it isn't too bad lying on your back as you don't have to look down! 

I chatted to a woman who was there with her daughter. It seems that they had just realised that the girl had a bit of a height phobia and they had also booked to go on the London Eye. She had tickets....fast track tickets too...well, she didn't want to waste them so she offered them to me....for free. What a lovely thing to do.

We decided to walk from Tower Bridge to the Eye, but first we needed to fortify ourselves with lunch. There just happened to be a Jamie's restaurant en route and it would have been rude to walk on by. 

We walked our little socks off (over seventeen thousand steps today!!), so it was with both 'achy breaky' legs and 'wibbly wobbly scared of heights' legs'that I entered the capsule. The views were amazing and I distracted myself by taking photos and clinging on to the bar....thank God for that bar, the bar that stopped me from slumping to the floor. It was a great experience....so thank you to the lovely lady who gave me her tickets. I only wish I had asked for her name.

I must be at least an inch shorter from all the walking, but it has been a fabulous day.....and there is more to come tomorrow :))

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