A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

6 years on!

We've climbed Stac Pollaidh again. ( See the first time here https://www.blipfoto.com/entry/1104045 ) A very similar shot today and the best reason for climbing it: the view over Inverpoly and the mountains of Assynt, in particular Suilven.

We thought we might do it if the weather was reasonable, so another fine morning and no wind had us up and off and in the car park at 8.30 am.

You can see the classic view of Stac Pollaidh from our house with the stack dominating it's shape but there is a stack at each end and a saddle in the middle which is where we headed. See extra for view from the car park. We climbed and skirted the round the back of right pinnacle and steeply up at the back. At 10.15 we were eating a KitKat (dark chocolate - very nice) at the top.

Came back the other way with views over Achnahaird and our house and the rest of the Coigach peninsula as far as the Summer Isles. A bit indistinct but you can see an end view of our beach and bay taken as we drove past en route to our climb this morning.
Quite a strenuous walk but worth it. Don't know if we'll be doing it again in another 6 years though.

Had a lazy afternoon. Finished putting the buttons on my cardigan and got out the sewing I wanted to start whist here. No needle! Another little kit in my bag should have come to the rescue but no needle in that either! Best laid plans.
Some of us had a sleep but we did manage another walk to the beach before gin o'clock..

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