Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Grandma's Party

Yoga Mama's birthday supper tonight, and she cooked a lovely meal. Was hoping to get a family group before we finished and this is a peach of a picture - nailed it first go with the timer on the tripod too. How often does that happen? We were also combining birthday celebrations with welcoming in the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hosannah) - a day early but we still had the much loved apple and honey.

Busy day nurturing early morning teenagers with tea, toast and conversation then off to see the Aged P for the usual drive in the country, brunch and shopping. Bought me a lovely present (Taschen's book of London - a mighty tome stuffed with brilliant pictures that weights as much as a small paving stone).

Hoping to slow down a bit tomorrow - need a bit more chilling - and also watch my eating as the steroid munchies are in full flow and if I carry on like this I'll put on the kilos big time! But who can resist the Yoga Mama's food ...

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