Beach Activist

Up early and on the allotment to finish digging the latest bed...and let the chickens out because they were still in the coop! A little later the coop members wife turned up and after cleaning the coop we had a good chat about education - she teaches part time and had the familiar tale of father dying, management trying to force her out presuming she was vulnerable and telling her she was incompetent. When will they learn that a grieving, menopausal woman is not to be messed with - as with me, they failed! So bed finally finished, more squash, two watermelons and six cleomes in and watered I headed home for the cool of the kitchen!
Late afternoon I showered, picked up Colourful Mai and we headed to Portwrinkle for a spot of Activism! People in Cornwall were asked to go to the beach and show their dismay at May. Our first attempt was not easy to photograph, particularly when someone walked over it and then apologised saying "Very lovely!" C Mai said she probably thought we were deranged middle aged  women.  So we did another that worked a little better! We then had a celebratory drink and Mai had a dip in the sea whilst I took photographs  until the sun began to disappear behind the cliff and a group of young things descended on the beach for a party with music, booze and a fire! 

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