From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

Hellloooo Mr Giraffe!!

Bryn finally got to spend the day as a junior Zoo Keeper with his friend Oren and of course me!! What a fabulous day it was to.

Started with Feeding the Lorikeets, there was one called santa who was so loved by one of the others he had no feathers on his chest, because they it constantly groomed him, which ended up making him look very bedraggled.
Then on to Mucking out Ponies and donkeys, not the nicest of jobs, clearly i had to take photos so didn't have any spare hands to help, shame. and embarrassingly have been left with a golf ball lump on my head where i had a fight with an oak tree!! I laughed my way through the shame of it whilst holding back the tears!!! Bloody hurt surprised 1 didn't knock myself out or 2 have concusion!!
We then got driven through the enclosures and got right up close to the lions, tigers, wolves, bears and monkeys,
Popped over to feed the penguins and Lemurs, then onto the Giraffes my favourite animals which you can see here, who even though they are supposed to be shy and not let you touch them they wouldn't leave us alone.
We had Erin the guide all to ourselves as well which was brilliant she could answer all the questions she was bombarded with and believe me that was quite a few!!
I have so many photos it's gonna take me hours to sift through and edit, but seriously what a day if you ever get the chance i thoroughly recommend it. They do experiences for adults as well so anyone can enjoy it! Next year definitely gonna be booking another!

Thank you so much for all the blip love and congrats yesterday, was lovely to get all your comments not said thank you to all of you but i'll be sure to when i've finished this!!

:) XX

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