Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Something's up...

Archie's foster parents arrived this morning from America, to drizzle and chill. Though Kit was dressed like he was in the tropics, in a short sleeved shirt. Hopefully, their weather here improves - it think it's going to be dry for most of their time.

We did a reprise of last year's shot. Every one looks younger, though Archie looks slightly less relaxed. He knows something's up. You can see the very fancy Tennessee Whisky they brought for us. Archie is looking suspiciously at it in the extra.

We had a celebratory bubbly, before a tour of the ins and outs of the flat, though Anne has stayed here and knows where most things are. Then we had lunch before they went to their B&B for the night across the Links.

After they'd gone, we put on a couple of loads of washing. The rain really didn't fit in with our best laid plans! So we've got sheets and towels and all sorts draped around the house with the heating on full blast. It looks like a Chinese Laundry. Am I allowed to say that?

We decided it's best that Anne takes Archie to her flat tonight, because we'll be rattling about at an ungodly hour to get the 6am flight to Amsterdam.

He'll have a great time, and all his usual friends are coming to take him out - he probably won't notice we've gone.

Half a sleep left! Norway, here we come!

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