Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Norway Day Three

We arrived in Trondheim about 8am, and were to have a few hours there, so everyone was ready for breakfast at 7am on the dot - what a queue for the coffee!

There were three Hurtigruten excursions, one of them a cycling tour. At each port, there are options, which you pay for as you go along, though I think they're very expensive - eg the bus trip yesterday to meet the boat at the next port was £200!

We all just had a wander, and we actually ended up walking quite far (13,712 steps - a record), but eventually found (we did have a map) the famous old colourful wooden houses. Very impressed with the tidiness (ie total lack of litter), the public art everywhere, and the modern buildings (in Norway in general).

I was very tired when we got back to the boat, but a seat on the deck for the afternoon revived me. Not even a breeze. And of course, we didn't think to bring sun screen! At one point we went through a really narrow channel, rocky islands and cliffs on either side, turning hard left and right (sorry, port and starboard) with the cliff face just yards from the boat. And we went under a bridge, with inches to spare. Very exciting.

A very nice meal tonight - salmon. This is our last night on the boat. It has been terrific, there is not much I like better than sitting outside on a pleasant day, watching dramatic scenery passing by.

Tomorrow we pass over the Arctic Circle!

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