Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Norway Day Eleven

JR made me a coffee using our coffee machine in the room, while I was frantically trying to log in to NOW TV and use the Sports Day Pass I'd just purchased. But it didn't work. I found a NOW Live Chat and asked why, only to be told that it just works in the UK. I gave up, had my shower, got ready for breakfast. I was about to put the iPad away, but tried one last time. I found a link to live streaming, which only comes on when the game starts, and lo and behold! It was on!! I was SO pleased!

I brought my iPad down to breakfast, and at one point, I let out a whoop when a try was scored, but I pretended to the breakfasting folk around that it was because JR had just brought me a(nother) croissant.

A couple of the chaps I'd inveigled into coming with me to a pub to watch it, were happy to watch it with me in the lounge. What a brilliant game, and probably the best result.

We then packed up our bags and checked out of our room, and went for a wander to the fishmarket, where we saw the biggest crabs I've ever seen. The wingspan legspan must have been about a metre wide! The whale meat was very dark and decidedly unappetising. We had intended to have a lunch at the fishmarket, but didn't really feel like it, having just had breakfast. Besides, £37 for five shrimps on a stick (and a salad) to share seemed a bit extravagant.

We wandered back along through the old houses at the back of the shops, then spent a pleasant hour on the huge sofa in the hotel lobby, availing ourselves of the free wifi and coffee.

What a fantastic trip. What an incredible country. We had top notch hotels, too, and the breakfasts were spectacular - far far better than anything you'd get in the UK. Also, the group worked well - (mostly) really personable people, but there are always a few odd bods. I hardly had to handle my suitcase - there were always ready helpers. Success all round.

That's our hotel in the left hand shots - very central! Very posh too. They have dozens of signed brass plates on the wall with all the famous folk who've stayed here - Sting, Tom Jones, Diego Maradonna and lots of pop stars. Hmmm, they didn't ask me for my autograph...

JR got pally with a couple of locals in their much admired Scandinavian jumpers, but the wifie was a bit shifty, I thought.

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