
By Houseonahill6


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Up really early and out of the hotel to take the car back to the airport. A queue in security but it moved quickly and we had enough time for breakfast before the gate was called.
After landing in Glasgow we took a taxi to our next B&B. We were there by 10.30am and paid abit extra to get into our room early. A quick rest and then out again to meet Richard at Glasgow Green for the Trnsmt Festival. Well organised entry where we had to go through a snake of barriers.We found a good spot where I could rest against a barrier and watched Everything Everything , Rag and Bone man  and then I went down to the front to watch London Grammar, brilliant. After Belle and Sebastian it was time for Radiohead. Amazing lightshow and although I not a massive fan it was really good. My legs did give up half way through the two and a half hour set so we found a bench at the back to sit on and could see the whole lightshow in comfort.
I gave Richard my little camera and he went down to the front to watch Radiohead and got some great shots.
We managed to catch a Taxi back to the B&B, most of the roads around the park were closed but stewards were there to help and told us where to go. 

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