Garlic press

Today's the day ...................... to be seduced

You know what it's like when you go to a big show like we did yesterday at Tatton Park?  There are all sorts of stands with clever gadgets for sale - and persuasive sellers trying to convince you that you really can't live a moment longer without buying one. 

Now I really did need a garlic press, having recently chucked the ancient one I had in the bin.  It had been driving me mad for while because it was buckled and bent and it no longer crushed garlic cloves.  I was just squashing and manually chopping - but it just wasn't the same. 

So you might say that I was 'ripe for the picking'  when I came across a whole display of these brightly-coloured, serrated ceramic garlic/ginger shredders - and watched a girl give a demonstration of how they worked their magic.  It was a whole new concept and I was hooked.

I'll keep you posted on how I get on with it ...................! 

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