Sleeping baby

There is something wonderful about watching your children asleep in their beds (probably the fact that they're asleep!). I have always found it deeply satisfying and warming to watch my children sleeping. I still always check on them before I go to bed and linger to give a kiss and if I get up through the night (which is often as I must have the bladder the size of a pea) I cannot go back to bed until I have checked on them.
I took a photo of Dexter tonight as tonight is that last time that he is going to sleep in his cot as we plan to move him into a 'big' bed tomorrow. He's going to be sharing a room with his sister which they are both very excited about as they get on exceptionally well, at the moment anyway.
We're also expecting a bit less sleep over the next few days while we all adjust to this new routine as no doubt they will get up to some hilarious antics in their eyes!

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