Gentle Leonberger

This gorgeous, patient Leonberger sat by the rainy ringside at a mastiff show all day. I couldn't resist a photo.

He is a splendid example of the breed which has become really very popular in the UK over the past 1o years. In case you haven't come across it before

Wikipedia entry - Leonberger

I was helping and stewarding at this Mastiff Open show and we knew the weather would be awful. We have been hearing severe warnings about the tail end of a hurricane so we were prepared. However, with a large working breed like ours, showing inside is very much a last resort.

It was a nice day out, and although we were drenched, it was lots of fun.

Here is a lovely, mischievous Mastiff bitch refusing to do what she should in the ring. Smiles all round

But I want to play, Mummy.

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