Late Sunday afternoon at the Gyle

Went for a run up in the Penlands, around the two reservoirs; a must do activity in Balerno. A little different to the gale force conditions the last time I was up there at Christmas which blew me along when it was behind me and blew me to a stop when it was ahead. The sun was shining today and the wind a mere zephyr.

Susan's hip continued to cause her servers pain such that she rang 111 and was given an appointment to see an out of hours doctor at the Western. The outcome was that the doctor couldn't identify any cause but could tell how restricted and painful the movement was. She prescribed painkillers of industrial strength and said if there was no improvement she was to go the Accident and Emergency tomorrow for an X-Ray.

Prescriptions are free in Scotland, which was a saving as she had 4 items which would have cost us 30 pounds in England. This blip was taken while waiting for the Chemist at the Gyle to dispense the drugs. I was wondering where today's blip was coming from but waiting for chemist gave me a few minutes to look around - even when I got back to the shop the items were not ready.

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