Wet and windy on the Shore

The weather was horrible today here in Scotland, really wet and windy. I took this picture as I was walking to the gym.

I was off today and I woke up rather late. I must have been really tired because I felt I needed all that sleep. Usually I go to the gym in the early afternoon or even earlier if I can, but today it took me ages to leave the flat because the weather was so horrible outside. I finally managed to make it to the gym at around 5pm, which is not good because that's the time when it starts getting really busy, but I enjoyed it all the same. Not planning to leave the flat again.

I had a few things to do today but I didn't get many done. Oh well, I suppose your days off are there for you to relax...

Only one exciting thing happening. I've been pondering for a while about where to go on my holidays at the end of October and today I decided that I could go to Helsinki! So, yes I bought the tickets, I booked accomodation in a youth hostel and I got myself a pocket guide to Helsinki, so I'll be there at the end of October just for a couple of days. It would be great if I managed to meet some of the fantastic blippers from over there! Now I just need to get myself a Finnish frase book, as I can't speak any Finnish!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments! I hope you had a good day! :)

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