A sad looking battered old pram

This is what this pram looked like when I last blipped it a while ago. It sits just outside a charity shop. I was very sad to see it so battered today and I wondered if the damage had been caused by the strong winds or by vandals. I hope it was the strong winds.

I found lots of stuff that had been battered and hit over by the strong winds this morning, even a signpost whose base was extremely heavy. The wind was not so strong today but the weather was crap!

We were busier than expected this morning because the Castle had closed due to the strong winds and everybody came to us, but it calmed down a little bit later on when the Castle reopened. However, we had a really busy day on the whole.

Cold and windy outside so nice to stay warm and cosy inside. Back to work tomorrow! Hoping that the weather gets better!

Thanks very much for all your nice comments. I hope you all had a good day! :)

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