Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A good flat white!

Gym for us both this morning. I pulled my seat even closer today, which means that my knees are having to bend even more, which must be good for them. It was quite tough, but I kept going for my half hour.

JR then went off to her executive housekeeping duties, Archie went off with Elizabeth. He was SO excited to see Elizabeth today - mind you he always is - and with his beardy kisses, his hairy face was soon covered in lipstick!

We popped in to town and ventured to a cafe/restaurant that we'd been meaning to visit for a while. We'd heard good reviews. Well, the food was good, when it arrived (my 'minute steak' took an hour), but we scored a complimentary wine because they brought the wrong meal, and we had to wait even longer.

However, we did discover a very good flat white at Cairngorm Coffee. Town is absolutely mobbed. It's great to see it like this on a sunny day, everybody outside enjoying themselves.

We have wasted several hours of our lives recently watching recorded episodes of 'Top of the Lake - China Girl'. We only watch it because we have a tenuous link to the director/ producer/ writer, Jane Campion. We once met the producer of the Piano, Jan Chapman (directed by Jane Campion) who is a friend of our friend in Sydney.

Watched the women's rugby final - England v the All Blacks! Well done the Black Ferns!

This was our view while having a coffee. Looks very continental!. Every eating place/pub/shop in town was mobbed. I love the city like this. But it's the last weekend of the Festival...

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