All Over, Bar the Dismantling
Poor David Hume, our esteemed 18th century Scottish philosopher, sitting on a cold plinth in his toga ( why depicted wearing a toga for goodness sake in his pre central heating era?) and having a lot in common with Fergie, the Duchess of York, with his shiny toes; not only his big toe, but three others now, maybe not sucked but certainly fondled and wished upon.
With His Lordship away for the day with two other hearties to the Gordon Highlander Museum in Aberdeen, I am foot loose and fancy free. Indeed I felt quite liberated as I walked into town through streets wonderfully quiet.
The Festival and Fringe are over, and the last farewell squib has been fired from the castle. All that remains is the dismantling of venues and the mopping up of tourists.
With the grey skies, a temperature of 10°C and a straight path negotiable along pavements, it seemed we were almost back to what passes for normality these days......although the students arrive in a fortnight .......
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