The Wee Pals

I cannot ever capture the amount of cuteness that goes on in our house every day with these two.....(and often the boy too) I do try but not always successful.

I wont go into the other gruesome details of having two babies in the house...lets keeps me on my toes and the floor gets washed everyday.........things are slowly coming along though.

I did a lot of cooking today.......something I do very little of these days as Jaiya tends to dominate the kitchen and I am very happy to let her do so.

We are waiting for the rain...its been a long time since we have seen a drop and our lawn has turned crispy brown/white along with all the other lawns (except for the guy next door who continually washes his car on the lawn) around the place. The clouds were teasing us today but chose not to bless us with its wet stuff. Things can get a bit scary when it gets this dry.

Flynn is starting to give me a run for my money in our chess playing now...I am preparing him for Sleepys visit whom he wants to thrash. I told him that I will never let him win so when he finally does he knows he did it totally on his own merit....I dont think it will be much longer. However I am totally impressed that he wants to continue on even though he looses all the time.

“The beautiful wooden board on a stand in my father’s study. The gleaming ivory pieces. The stern king. The haughty queen. The noble knight. The pious bishop. And the game itself, the way each piece contributed its individual power to the whole. It was simple. It was complex. It was savage; it was elegant. It was a dance; it was a war. It was finite and eternal. It was life.”

-Rick Yancey

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