Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Jobs done

I went to the gym today, hehehe. This is going to work well. Archie can come with me too. In fact, he kept bringing me his toys to play tug-of-war, so I can do both! Win,win. JR went to the actual gym.

JR did a couple of jobs which have been pending for quite some time, two to do with the council, involving time consuming, frustrating online forms and phone conversations.

I took Archie to the vet for his six month check up. He's lost a wee bit of weight, which is good, but really, we were in and out in minutes. Just as well it was free. Well no, it's not actually free...

Then we went up the hill, and he had a good run around chasing the ball. Here he is doing his 'mad professor' look. He reminds me of Patrick Moore - some of you will remember him. Not that he was mad, of course, but he had bushy eyebrows and kind of looked with one eye...

Back home in time for a bath (Archie) and making some little nibbly things for G&Ts later. Anne was coming round. We haven’t seen her for ages. Archie was very excited. She filled us in on her news, and also the entire story of Outlander, not that we were going to watch any more anyway.

I tightened up a few screws on my new bike - the handlebars were wobbly - but apart from a tear on the seat, it's as good as new. It's my best rubbish bin find ever!

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