The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Parallel Dimension

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today I took Murphy out and as he was squatted doing a poo, he peed at the same time. I have NEVER seen him do this before. I was telling Eldest Mini Princess and wondering out loud about how this works for humans.

It would appear that she did not share my sense of curiosity (I googled it) and told me that if she was Professor X, she definitely wouldn’t want to see the inside of my head, as it would be like looking into the mind of a ‘messed up toddler with dark thoughts’.

I’m assuming this is a compliment.


PS Murphy had another visit to the vet today. He sat patiently, stepped on the scales and didn’t jump or bark. I am concerned we are in the Upside Down (especially after his multi-tasking).

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