The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Nose To The Grindstone

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Eldest Mini Princess is very excited as she has a job. Yaaaay, I can retire. That’s why I had children. It was NOTHING to do with Mac’s Gold (although as a precaution, I still think it should carry a label: ‘Warning: May Lead to Pregnancy’)

I digress, her new job is helping out Biker Chick who will be teaching Acro classes. For two hours a week, she’ll be taking the register and helping little people do handstands (hopefully without dropping them). She was beaming when she tried on her new ‘uniform’ of a hoodie and t-shirt and said she felt VERY grown up and important.

I hope both of my daughters end up having jobs which give them a sense of pride. (Thankfully, I think I have safely put them off IT).

But not the grown up bit. No one needs that. Especially grown ups.


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