
By bananablip


Today we were reunited with Steve and Carl for a trip down to Melaka, we haven't seen them since we arrived so it was good to catch up. The other members of our team have been in Singapore and then Laos so tomorrow is the first time all eight of us will be together before we all go our separate ways again on Wednesday. 

Melaka was interesting and full of fascinating history about all the many countries who have come and laid claim to the land over the years. Mostly though, it was way too hot to take it all in. We wondered around with Fred, an Indian Malayan who, at 70 years old, is bounding with energy. The man is a bit of a legend in SE Asia and when I asked him how many churches he'd planted he replied: 'somewhere around 104'. Interesting to be able to spend time with him today and hear some of his stories. He forced a fair amount of satay on me over lunch and I was happy to oblige. 

This evening we've had some really interesting conversations with our host, Helina who (I'm totally guessing) is probably about my age. We went from church to travel to Trump to racism to Islam and everything in between. I like Helina. She's funny and engaging and knowledgable and generally good company.

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