Remembrance 1

Friday and the start of the Remembrance weekend but first I had to complete the last day of a hugely frustrating week at work. Trying to juggle a multitude of ‘priorities’ is never easy but becomes more difficult when those ‘priorities’ change daily!

The evening came around and with it the anticipation of meeting friends for the annual Poppy Concert in Penryn. Always a moving experience shared with comrades and friends.

This years concert left me a little perplexed, a little angry and deflated. Instead of a sombre tribute to our war dead and at the same time an uplifting tribute to our Armed Forces we were subjected to a thirty minute political diatribe from someone who knew his audience would sit and listen without responding out of respect for the occasion.
Talking to some of the organisers and fellow veterans there was a deep sense of outrage.
Perhaps some were forewarned and that would account for the drop in numbers compared to the normal attendance.
Not a good start to the weekend.

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