A Happy View

It's been a fine calm day, and mostly dry.  A shower at teatime, but dried up again.  Rain and gales forecasted for tonight!

I was working in the museum office again today.  And more scanning of old slides.  I also had to see the doctor, I've had a sore foot for a few days now, and waiting on blood test results.  In meantime, painkillers and antibiotics.  I had the afternoon off work, and went for a peerie run in the car, before resting my foot for the day.  Off to work in the pub later. 

My run in the car drew me up north and down memory lane.  This is a view filled with happiness.  It's not much to look at, but as we used to come over the hill and see this houses, or the orange glow of Sullom Voe oil terminal at night, we knew we were almost at granny and grandad's.  I used to make a whizzing sound as we went down the hill until we reached their home.  Taken from the Sullom quarry, looking towards some houses and Sullom Voe oil terminal in the distance.  

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