Five things

By fivethings


1. I start the day twice having forgotten my purse on the first attempt. I couln't care less on a day like today - bright blue sky, cold and sunny.

2. After work it's over to Govanhill baths for Lifeguard. Just before I leave I realise I don't want to strip off and go 'swimming' tonight. I still go. This isn't thmfort zone bit. This is work.

3. The comfort zone comes in when I am asked to hold back from going in as we are too full. I get out of something I don't fancy doing. The comfortable thing to do would be to go home. I don't and when it turns out I can get in, I do.

4. Within the hour I am splashing about with my bosses and the Clydebank synchronised swimmers.

5. Changed, there's hot chocolate and home baking.

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