Driveway Hoops

One of the things I miss about my sporting days is playing basketball. Not shooting baskets...because I can still do that...but... actually playing the game. Shooting, passing, rebounding, defending. A fun game.

I used to meet a dentist at a local college gym. He was also one of my mail patrons. He always just wanted to shoot free throws, or play H-O-R-S-E, a shooting game. I finally asked him why he wouldn't play a real game...thinking maybe he was ascared of me. HA!

"If you reach in to steal the ball, and slap my finger jams. If I reach up and try to block your shot...and catch it wrong...I jam my thumb. Either way...if any of my 10 digits doesn't work...I don't work." Never thought of we shot free throws.

The picture set-up in my driveway was funny. I glanced around to make sure nobody was in the area. The neighbors cat stuck his head around the corner, and gave me a shifty look. OH WAIT...that's the only look cats have!!

I would like to report that these 2 shots only took 2 takes. Didn't happen. The pressure to make the shot was unbearable. I short armed the first 3 shots. The cat laughed. I adjusted my concentration level, and drained the next 3.

The secret of shooting in the driveway is having the correct spin and rotation on the ball. You want the ball to go through the net, and return to you. The top shot swished through, and came back and landed at my feet. The bottom shot also went through, but it was ugly. The ball had a mind of its own, and rolled down the driveway. The cat laughed again.

Maybe the laughing cat could be of some service. He could be my passing partner. I shuffled a swift no-look pass in his direction...katching him right in the kat kisser. He's not laughing now.

(That last part didn't happen.)

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