Pink, Purple, and Pillars

A pretty Autumn day. 65F (18C) and sunny. I took a country my 4th apple orchard of the season. The cinnamon and sugar donut was delicious, and I finally got some Northern Spys.

Some Northern Spys...
to make some pies.
They are the best...
I do not jest.

I also stopped at a garden center out by Shelley's house. I always feel a little guilty about walking through with my camera...because I rarely buy anything.

I was tempted to post a staring chicken, but I liked the shadows in this shot better. The chicken and an Autumn color picture of the day...are on my FLICKR PAGE.

Better get some color posted...while we still have some.

I might be out of touch this weekend. Going up north...possibly with wi-fi issues.

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