One piper piping

Today's the day .......................... for a surprise visitor

Some things are just meant to be, aren't they?

There I was, outside in the freezing cold, attaching a new rope to the flagpole because the old one had become frayed.  Suddenly, out of nowhere, came the haunting sound of someone playing the bagpipes - out there on the Green.  And what's more, they were very good - it sounded magnificent - brought a lump to the throat in fact.

The saltire was quickly hoisted on the new rope - while Will went off to investigate.  And it wasn't long before he re-appeared with the piper in tow.  It turned out that he had been hired to play a few tunes for a 90-year-old lady who was about to have a birthday lunch near-by with family and friends.  He was easily persuaded to play a few tunes for us too - under the flag. 

What a wonderfully, unexpected thing to happen on a quiet Sunday - and it absolutely made our day ........................

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