Hanging On to the Cold

Dear Diary,

Although a bit better, this cold is persistently hanging on and if I had tail feathers, I would be dragging them.  This icicle looked, for all the world to me,  like a tiny iceman was holding onto the larger icicle.  He even has a bit of a red nose, like me!  I am trying to hold on to my sense of humor, if nothing else.

We are in the icy grip of winter even though, technically, winter doesn't start until Thursday...the Winter Solstice, the shortest amount of daylight of the year.  Seems to me like we have been in winter for a month!  The weatherman says we will have a one day respite tomorrow when the temperatures may get into the 40'sF but don't get too excited, it won't last.  Unlike this cold that seems to last and last and last...

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