Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Through a glass darkly

Had the afternoon off work and Big Bruvver and I took Aged P out for afternoon tea. Very nice. Sat there for two hours drinking and scoffing. Had the most amazing scones that they cooked on the premises and served warm from the oven. Melting ...

Saw this dusty old moped in an abandoned shop afterwards and thought it would make a change to do something vaguely artistic for my blip. I like it because it there is a story in there somewhere ...

Anyway, the 500th blip - actually the 500th consecutive blip, something I am very proud of. Blipfoto is now part of my therapeutic life journey. A place where I let words and pictures help me make sense of things. Part of the oxygen of my life... My ambitions going forward are to be more positive and more creative ... but that's life, not just blipping ....

Have a lovely weekend everyone. I plan to.

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