twinned with trumpton


Off to school; one last time. With feeling. Off they went; I went up to meet her, elbows sharpened, to do battle with Princes St. Which wasn't too bad. We ticked off the items on the list; headed home (via MrSmith who was lurking on King's Stables Rd) ad dropped phase 1 at hers.

Grabbed a CC vehicle and off to do phase 2; Canonmills, Asda, mine and back. So by 2pm we were done. 

Wrapping and sorting ensued before a late lunch and prosecco was deployed. And more wrapping and cooking.

I left around 9; a scary ride home.

There was a car stopped about 3 car lengths back from the traffic lights at Canonmills; guy looked like he was on his phone; about 5 cars behind him. I sneaked up the inside and into the ASP.
Guy woke up and drove up behind me. 
Lights went to green; off I went. But no cars came up or past me. Strange. So I looked over my shoulder as the lights turned back to red, he's sitting at the lights, cars behind him leaning on their horns. 
Onwards until about Goldenacre Terrace when there was an almighty bang; the guy had veered across the road and skelped a communal bin a glancing blow then veered back across the road to my side. I jumped off the bike; onto the pavement as he pulled up to a stop. 
I asked if he was OK; he said 'I've hit another car' so clearly had no idea what was happening, didn;t appear drunk but clearly wasn't all there. Mostly just smashed the front driver side headlight

A couple of others stopped - I think they thought I'd been hit - but I left them to it as I went off; him talking to other drivers, inspecting the damage.

Up to the end of Inverleith Row, turned left and onto Ferry Road. As I'm sitting behind 2 cars to turn right onto Granton Road who shold come up behind me but the guy...! I've got cars to the right, cars in front, cars to the left and him bearing down on me...! I did not feel safe.
At the last minute, he swerved left and went up the inside and carried on up Ferry Road; through the lights and within 50 yards was across on the wrong side of the road, bearing down on a taxi coming the other way! Brake lights went on, swerved back to his side of the road. So I called the police. 

And walked the rest of the way home. Shaken. Not good to be that close to someone in charge (but not) of a large piece of German engineering. Yes, it was an Audi. It's always an Audi.

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