Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

On the Move

The space shuttle Endeavor is now crawling through the streets of Los Angeles at two miles per hours toward its permanent home 12 miles away at the California Science Center. With several stops along the way, the journey will take two days.

Thousands of trees have been cut down (they'll be replaced, but still . . . ), and street lights have had to be moved, and thousands of steel plates have been placed along the road to protect water and sewer pipes. We are not able to see this shuttle moving, so when "up close and personal" is not an option, TV is the next best thing.

We are having fabulous fall weather, but the reporters are predicting that summer will arrive again tomorrow and move toward hotter and hotter, and Monday, well, Monday is just gonna cook! Blah! I'm more than tired of summer weather.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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